Restricted and prohibited
It is important to have knowledge of the prohibited or restricted goods and what you must do as a client of Mi Punto de Compra to ensure the safety of our personnel and prevent your cargo from being withheld.

RESTRICTED items must go through certain processes prior to being exported / imported, and must be authorized by Mi Punto de Compra and other entities prior to being dispatched.
Such items can be transporter through the services of postal traffic, with prior authorization and they must be in compliance with some requirements according to their nature, destination, origin packaging, among others. Taking into account Decree 2685 of 1999 – Article 193, the shipment must comply with the following:
- Do not include weapons.
- No publications that attempt against morality and good customs.
- Precursor products in the manufacture of narcotics, narcotics or drugs not authorized by the Ministry of Health.
- Goods whose importation is prohibited by article 81 of the political constitution or by international agreements to which Colombia has adhered.
Used machinery
Used clothes
Vegetable products
Cosmetics except few units
Clothing for military use
Medical equipment for human use
Textiles except samples
Skins or items in skins
Tobacco and cigarettes
Non-prescription medications
Perimeter security elements (cctv)
Items with liquid content
Smart mobile phone or cell phone

The PROHIBITED items can not be sent by any shipping method. According to Law 1369 of 2009 and to the corporate security policies, there are some elements that are prohibited from circulating by postal traffic services.
Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances
Fats, coloring powder
Objects prohibited in the country of destination
Fertilizers, chemicals, herbicides, corrosives or poisons
Food for birds and animals
Weapons in general, bullets, ammunition, accessories
Counterfeit or pirated items
Alcoholic drinks
Coffee, grains, seeds
Natural and canned foods
Cash and checks, bank notes, securities
Pornography, obscene objects
Products from restricted countries
War games
Hallucinogenic products
Paper money, platinum, gold, silver, precious stones
Radioactive materials
Explosives, firecrackers, detonators
Oils, lubricants, fats
Live, dead or stuffed animals
Personal defense items
Medical and orthopedic equipment and items, * Medicines
Old banknotes, cash
Cigarettes and tobacco
Leather and reptile skin
Used cars and motorcycles engines
Plants and flowers
Flammable products
Lithium batteries
Corpse and / or cremated or exhumed rests.
Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances
Dangerous goods are products or substances that, when transported, can constitute a risk to health and safety, to the property, people or the environment.
In accordance with the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG), all substances such as gas, liquids and solids that are inside a container, tank, container or vehicle, that due to their physical characteristics , chemical characteristics and properties represent a danger, are considered dangerous.
Customer Responsibility
The customer must inform us of any dangerous / restricted merchandise that goes in their boxes. We are not responsible for packages retained by the authorities or changes in modalities. You are held liable for your packages and its content.